Add visual flair to your Elementor Pages

Designer Powerup introduces a Blob generator within Elementor that lets you create random blob shapes of your choice, live, with full control over it.

Designer Powerup - Blob Preview

More than just a trend

Blobs have now become one of the go-to design elements for pages that want to give an organic feel instead of just rigid, flat blocks.

It can also work very well as a supportive element for images, videos, illustrations and even as their substitutions.

Besides that, you can communicate fun, friendly, and flexible nature through these amorphous, organic blob SVG shapes.

Hassle-free process

Generating a random blob shape in Elementor is now as easy as clicking a button with our Blob Generator.

No more exporting the shape from somewhere, importing to the site as image, and then having no control over it; or even worse – getting something wrong and repeating the whole thing again.

Get complete control over the generator

You can tweak the Complexity and Contrast of the Blob Generator to achieve the type of blob shape you’re looking for.

Designer Powerup - Blob Complexity & Contrast

Fine tune the shape with on-demand generation

If you don’t like the blob shape, you can re-generate it again and the tool will come up with a different random shape every time.

Designer Powerup - Generate Blob

Apply gradient colors to your blobs

Make your blob shapes stand out by using gradient color fill. You can change the gradient location, angle, and style to achieve your desired gradient. 

Add an image inside your blob

You can improve your images by clipping them inside blobs! Our blob widget lets you add an image inside the blob and control. 

You don’t have to sacrifice page speed

Our random blob shape generator generates inline SVG shapes that does not affect the page speed in any way.

So, you can rest assured that generating nice and fun Blob shapes does not slow down the site or hurt SEO.

Blob Generator - Designer Powerup for Elementor

Fully Responsive

You can tweak the size of the blob as you wish to make sure that the blob looks equally impressive on tablet and mobile devices as well.

Blob Generator - Designer Powerup for Elementor

General Questions about Blob Generator

Will blob shapes affect the performance of the page?

No, the blob shapes generated by our Blob Generator widget are SVG shapes that don’t affect the performance of the page.

Can I apply Designer Powerup's advanced gradients to the blob shapes?

No, you cannot apply our Advanced Gradients to the blob shapes. But we provide an option to apply gradient colors right inside our Blob Generator widget.

How can I change the shape of the blob I just generated?

If you wish to change the shape of the blob, just click on the ‘Generate Blob’ button to generate a new shape again.

Ready to jazz up your designs with Blobs?

Give it a shot and experience the awesomeness by yourself.
Your purchase is backed by a 14 days money back guarantee. No obligations.

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