Smart Content Filter integrates with Thrive Architect to create beautiful list posts and reviews. Here’s how you can do it:
Step 1: Create Filters In The Post Editor
Before you go and edit your post in Thrive Architect, you have to create filters in the backend. Scroll down to the Smart Content Filter section in your post editor and add Filter groups and create Filter tags for those groups.

After creating your filters, you can go ahead and start editing your post in Thrive Architect.
Step 2: Adding Filters In Thrive Architect
To add filters in Thrive Architect, you have to add a Content Box. Click and drag the Content Box in your post.

In the Content Box menu, you will see a new option named “Smart Content Filter Options“. Here, you can select the Filters from the different Filter Groups you have created. After selecting the Filters, click on the Apply Filters button to apply your Filters. You can also remove all the filters by clicking on Clear Filters.

Now, you can add anything to your Content Box and it will be assigned to the Filters you selected. You can add a table, opt-in form, paragraph, image, or anything you want.